Posts in Behavior Change
Humor: An Antidote to Stress

"I've gained so much weight during the pandemic that I need to go out and get new work pajamas." An abundance of research establishes humor as an effective means of coping with adversity, reducing stress, and promoting a positive mood (Strick et al., 2009). Most of us don't have the time or the desire to take a stand-up comedy class. Still, there are things we can do to enhance our ability to reframe stressful or difficult situations. Read about it here…

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Making Mindfulness a Habit

From the beginning, the Levelhead approach to developing a mindfulness practice was based on the assumption that people have busy lives and need to be able to practice whenever, wherever it fits their lifestyle. We realize that people are time-starved and have a limited desire for practices that require more than 5 minutes. Take a look at what recent research says about what is needed to develop a mindfulness practice…

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Magical Thinking

It's January, and it is time for us to put into action all the promises we made to change our behavior in 2021. Even though we have known long before the new year what we needed to change, we gave ourselves permission to continue these “bad” habits until now. Logic would say that if you're going to change a habit or behavior, any time is an excellent time to start. However, year after year, we pick arbitrary times like Mondays or the quintessential day of January 1 to begin. Why?

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