Posts in Positive Thinking
Humor: An Antidote to Stress

"I've gained so much weight during the pandemic that I need to go out and get new work pajamas." An abundance of research establishes humor as an effective means of coping with adversity, reducing stress, and promoting a positive mood (Strick et al., 2009). Most of us don't have the time or the desire to take a stand-up comedy class. Still, there are things we can do to enhance our ability to reframe stressful or difficult situations. Read about it here…

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It Matters How We See the Future

I don’t know about you, but maintaining my usual level of optimism is becoming increasingly difficult. The daily news cycle alone is often enough to send me down a path of negativity that leaves me seeing the world in shades of grey. And with the reality of what’s going on, it is totally understandable and can be expected. However, even with this new reality, losing our positive expectations about the future can have serious consequences.

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Be Your Own Best Friend

If you are like most people, you may be having moments right now where you need a little boost. You might be feeling a little down and are not sure if you can handle all of the change. Sometimes all we need is someone to remind us that “we’ve got this”. When there isn’t someone there to do this for you, why not consider being your own best friend and cheerleader? Let’s learn how…

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Power of Anticipation

We all need something to look forward to, especially now that we can expect weeks and perhaps months of social distancing ahead. A healthy sense of “anticipation” can often help energize our lives and help us get through tough times. However, our environment has changed so much that even looking forward to the weekend has lost some of its sparkle. So, what can we do to get the sparkle that comes from the anticipation of a reward?

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