Posts tagged Stress
Why is Self-Care Important for Students?

When you are in high school or college, completing an undergrad program, or writing a dissertation in graduate school, the pressure is high to excel. Often the pressures of being a student lead to habits that are not in alignment with good self-care. Students, here is what you need to know to overcome these challenges…

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Where Does Stress Come From?

What causes you stress and anxiety might create energy and excitement in another. Following this thinking, new research indicates that it is not enough to consider how much or what type of stress we experience (Rudland et al., 2020). It suggests it is more about how we perceive and respond to it. Whether we interpret stress as good or bad is influenced by many factors, read more in this week’s blog…

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How Do Worry and Stress Affect the Body?

While it's normal to feel stressed out and worried during a crisis, daily challenges can also push us beyond our ability to cope. During stressful times, we may feel helpless, sad, angry, irritable, hopeless, anxious, or afraid. We may even have trouble concentrating, feel unmotivated to do essential tasks, experience changes in appetite, have body aches or pains, and have difficulty sleeping. Here is what worry does to our brain…

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