Calm in the Storm


It seems everyone is telling us to be calm, don’t panic. What does that even look like? How can we be calm when everything that we have known as “normal” is changing?

My reaction when I hear someone say “be calm” brings to mind scenes from the movie with Russell Crowe, Master and Commander. If you saw the movie, you might remember there was a terrible storm that almost sunk the ship and resulted in the loss of life of several of his crew. Thinking back to that movie you might not describe Russell Crowe as “calm”. However, if you consider how he was able to successfully lead through the chaos, you would have to conclude that he was able to maintain an inner calm in the midst of what was going on around him.

Being calm doesn’t mean a lack of action or being frozen with fear and anxiety. To me, being calm is having the ability to bring ourselves back to balance when we feel that we are starting to get out of control. It is the ability to prepare for a stressful time and have the ability to decompress when we need it. This is something we all have the ability to do. It doesn’t take a lot of time. And it doesn’t mean that you have to already have a mindfulness practice. You can begin now.

The following exercises are in two categories. The first group are exercises you can use in the moment when feel yourself starting to feel anxiety or panic arise. The second group can also be used in the moment but may be especially effective to prepare for the day ahead or to help you return to balance after a particularly difficult day or situation.

In the Moment Exercises
These are exercises that you can do anywhere, anytime and no one needs to know you are doing them.

Preparation and Recovery Exercises
If you have just a few minutes more, you might want to use the power of either music or visualization. The following exercises are great ways to gain perspective and help you re-engage with the world

We hope you will leverage this opportunity to take care of your emotional well-being with the same care as you do with your physical well-being.

Spoiler alert! Once Russell Crowe and his crew got through the storm, his ship was thrown off course and finally landed in the Galapagos where the crew got to experience flora and fauna never seen before. Maybe that will happen to us as we come through our storm.