Posts tagged Positive Outlook
Reboot Your Mood in 2021

Are you feeling disoriented or unmotivated to start the new year? You have probably felt like this in previous years after the holidays. Still, this year it might be even more challenging to get moving after a year of chronic stress. Instead of allowing these feelings to keep you from embracing all that the year offers, here are six evidence-based ways to get your energy back.

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It Matters How We See the Future

I don’t know about you, but maintaining my usual level of optimism is becoming increasingly difficult. The daily news cycle alone is often enough to send me down a path of negativity that leaves me seeing the world in shades of grey. And with the reality of what’s going on, it is totally understandable and can be expected. However, even with this new reality, losing our positive expectations about the future can have serious consequences.

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