Posts in Thoughts
Am I Worrying for Nothing?

We know from research that in times of uncertainty, we tend to think the worst. Even when a situation or message could be interpreted as positive, we often interpret it as negative, especially when we lack information. While it is unlikely that we can avoid worry in our lives, we can learn to manage it and improve the quality of our lives. The following a six-step process than can help you gain control over your thoughts…

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Does a Busy Mind Keep You Awake at Night?

Do you toss and turn at night? Do you churn things in your mind, robbing you of much-needed sleep? If so, you aren't alone. The American Academy of Sleep Medicine recommends that adults need seven or more hours of sleep per night to reduce the risk of adverse health outcomes. Many fall short of this guideline. So, what can you do to improve your sleep?

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Ironing: A Mindfulness Practice?

I’m no domestic goddess. Because of that, there’s usually a long list of things I would rather not do around the house. But recently, I’ve noticed that I have a newfound urge to clean and organize. Perhaps it is a welcome break from everything that is going on. Or, maybe it is the appeal of getting something completely done and the satisfaction that comes with that. But I think the primary reason is that I have incorporated these routine tasks into my daily mindfulness practice.

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On/Off Thinking

Just a few short weeks ago, we were asked to stay at home and not go out unless we absolutely had to. Decisions were made for us about what we could or could not do. We may not have liked it, but our decisions were easy. That’s because we understand “on/off” thinking or “dichotomous thinking”. But, what is it really and how does this type of thinking hold us back when it comes to positive behavior changes?

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It Matters How We See the Future

I don’t know about you, but maintaining my usual level of optimism is becoming increasingly difficult. The daily news cycle alone is often enough to send me down a path of negativity that leaves me seeing the world in shades of grey. And with the reality of what’s going on, it is totally understandable and can be expected. However, even with this new reality, losing our positive expectations about the future can have serious consequences.

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