Struggling to stick to plans? If-Then plans, also known as implementation intentions, are an extensively studied strategy from cognitive psychology that has been shown to increase the likelihood of goal attainment. However, WHAT are if-then plans and HOW do you implement them?
Read MoreWhen we believe that our behaviors are unchangeable, we easily give up and say to ourselves, “I knew I could never do that.” So, let’s take a look at the silent messages that are holding you back - your limiting beliefs - and what to do about them.
Read MoreMindfulness is defined as the awareness that arises when we pay attention in the present moment, on purpose, and non-judgmentally. To understand how mindfulness is involved in forming habits, let’s learn about two systems of the brain and how they can impact your behavior.
Read MoreMany of us are dealing with unhealthy habits that we started during the pandemic. Even though we know what we need to do to make changes, we are finding it challenging to commit to healthy habits. We continue to "stress eat." WHY do we do this and WHAT can we do about it?
Read More“What do you want from life?” When faced with a question like this, many of us will say something like “happiness.” But what if we strove for “authenticity”, “wisdom”, “meaning” or “success”? Read all about it in this week’s blog!
Read MoreBefore we dismiss 2020 as a year we want to forget, it might be worth taking a little time to reflect on lessons learned and perhaps discover some good things about this past year. Let’s learn how…
Read MoreVery few of us would say that 2020 was a great year. And it might be hard to find something good about this last year. However, if we look at it through the lens of post-traumatic growth, we might discover that we have gained valuable lessons that will help us in the years to come.
Read MoreLiving a purposeful life is often described as whether or not we engage in meaningful, nontrivial activities in our daily life (Scheier et al., 2006). The assumption behind this description is that when we are guided by purpose, we allocate resources and organize activities in a way that move us towards our goal. So, how do we do this? How do we live more purposefully on a daily basis?
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