Posts in Self-Reflection
Declutter Your Space

Our environments are often full of distractions. Our phones, emails, piles of unfinished work, notes, and reminders of things we need to do can all be distractions and create stress. Often there is so much stuff in our environment that we barely notice what’s there. That’s why decluttering our space can be a great place to jumpstart Spring cleaning activities. Here’s where and how to start…

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Spring Clean Your Life

Anytime is a good time to complete a Spring clean of our lives because it frees up mental space. It gives us the energy to take on new things. Spring is a natural point for us to consider our mental well-being and reconnect to things that support the life we want to live. It is a great time to reflect on: where have we been, where are we now, and where do we want to go.

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Journal Like an Astronaut

The other day I heard an interview with Scott Kelly. Scott is a former NASA astronaut who is best known for spending almost a year on the International Space Station. Now, that’s social isolation. A reporter asked him, “How did you handle being alone all that time?”. He said that he journaled every day. Let’s dig in to the research behind this powerful practice…

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