Posts in Communication
Don't Go to Bed Mad

Most of us have heard the saying, “The best way to maintain a healthy relationship is to not go to bed mad.” This is rather good advice even if it wasn’t based in research…until now. While we can’t control all the stressors that come into our lives, making a conscious effort to resolve conflict can be a means to substantially reduce our stress level. Here are some tips to consider…

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Do You Hate to Talk on the Phone?

If you feel like you have started to delay or avoid making calls, are feeling extremely nervous or anxious before, during, and after a call, or perhaps obsessing or worrying about what you’ll say, you aren’t alone. The good news is that there are things you can do to overcome your phone anxiety and reverse your dislike of phone calls. Here are a few things you can try…

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The Power of Why

During this time of uncertainty, we are hungry for information. Often times, this is a result of people communicating with urgency and not a lot of planning. In this rushed state, it’s totally understandable that our first thought in communicating is focused on what, when, and where, with little or no focus on why. But, that’s not the first thought of the receiver of information. Let’s learn about the power of why

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