Posts in Relaxation
What feelings do you associate with relaxation?

When you think about taking time for yourself, do you feel guilty? While many of us have learned that pushing ourselves beyond our limits damages our physical and mental health, work performance, relationships, and overall satisfaction with life, we still believe that we do NOT have time to relax and replenish. However, the good news is that we can develop the ability to lower our stress levels and improve our health without taking a lot of time out of our day. Here’s more…

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Spring Clean Your Life

Anytime is a good time to complete a Spring clean of our lives because it frees up mental space. It gives us the energy to take on new things. Spring is a natural point for us to consider our mental well-being and reconnect to things that support the life we want to live. It is a great time to reflect on: where have we been, where are we now, and where do we want to go.

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Having Trouble Relaxing?

I’If you are like me, every time I decide to do something just for me, I have a flash of all the things that I should be doing instead. Since my to-do list is quite long, I have to fight the urge to postpone that relaxing walk or leisure reading to get something done on my list. After all, I’ve seen the research on the importance of self-control and self-regulation in obtaining long-term goals. Yet, recent research shines a light on the importance of fun and relaxation, too. Let’s take a look…

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