COVID-19 has hit the U.S. and has shut down businesses and schools all over the country. College students are having to switch to online classes and forced to move out of their dorms and move back home. As a senior in college, I’ve had my final semester abruptly cut short. Yet, there are still things to be thankful for.
Read MoreCatastrophizing is an irrational thought that leads us to believe that something is far worse than it actually is. Every person tends to catastrophize from time to time. And it’s easy to see how this could happen now, more than ever. But, how do we transform these thoughts?
Read MoreWhat’s the deal with the run on toilet paper? Why did everyone decide that they need a basketful of this particular product? While many experts have sought to explain this phenomenon with various theories, it might be as simple as this, it’s our way of trying to exert control in a world that feels out of control.
Read MoreOk, it finally hit me today that things are really going to be different. The gym is closing. It’s funny how a relatively minor change in my regular routine made such an impact on me. What am I going to do? This is how I start every day. As I started to go down the self-pity route, I heard about a daycare closing.
Read MoreAs we’ve heard from health experts, handwashing is one of the best ways to protect ourselves and others from getting sick. As a result, the CDC has provided five steps on how to properly wash your hands. In reviewing these guidelines, it seems like it would be useful to incorporate a mindfulness practice into this daily routine.
Read MoreIt seems everyone is telling us to be calm, don’t panic. What does that even look like? How can we be calm when everything that we have known as “normal” is changing? Here are some ideas…
Read MoreAt the risk of stating the obvious, there’s a lot going on! It seems like we’re trying to stay calm, but at the same time we feel like we have to get prepared. Within this frantic planning, people are talking about “hunkering down” and creating binge lists for viewing. What really concerns me about our plans to physically distance ourselves, however, is that this may also lead to emotionally distancing ourselves from others, too. And, that has consequences…
Read MoreWe’ve all had quite a shock to our way of life this week. Long anticipated trips were cancelled, schools put on pause, we were asked to work at home … the list goes on. We’re also being asked to change our daily habits in substantial ways. Now, more than ever, we’ll need to learn how to intentionally focus our attention on the present.
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