By now, most of us have been confined to our homes for at least a few weeks. With all of this closeness and the extra tension we’re all feeling, we may have lost our patience with someone close to us. Or, we may have been hurt by the words or actions of another. Whether you were the offender or the person wounded, holding in these feelings can have a big impact on both your emotional and physical well-being. Is it time to forgive?
Read MoreThis is unquestionably a period where all of us are experiencing an enormous amount of stress. And what makes it even more challenging is that the source of stress is multi-faceted. With all of this going on, it’s understandable that we would be experiencing higher levels of stress, anxiety, and even depression. However, there are steps that we can take to break out of this cycle and be able to maintain as much of our normal lives as possible.
Read MoreI’m sure you’ve heard the phrase, “we are in this together” numerous times over the past few weeks. But, who is the “we” for you? If we narrowly identify the group that we belong to, we miss out on the consequences of our actions to those in the broader social circle. Let’s take a look at how to expand our thinking.
Read MoreThe University of Wisconsin-Superior is one of many colleges and universities that have chosen to integrate Levelhead-Ed into their programs this semester. Here are highlights from our recent discussion with two key leaders of the Pruitt Center for Mindfulness and Well-Being, leaders who are doing many innovative things to better the lives of their students.
Read MoreLast night I got a text from a friend that started with, “I’m so bored!”. I understood why she might feel that way. Many of the things we do to make our lives interesting and satisfying have changed or stopped. In reflecting on her text, I have to admit, I feel bored even though I have more than enough to do. So why do I feel this way? That prompted me to review recent research on this topic.
Read MoreI’m sure you are experiencing the same issue that I am - not being able to run out and get whatever you want, whenever you want it. Today was another wake-up call for me. After all of the handwashing, I noticed how dry my nails were. The hand cream I was using wasn’t helping and I needed nail oil. But, I didn’t have any at home…
Read MoreAre you one of those people whose feelings have a lot to do with what and how much you eat? You’re not alone. Emotional hunger refers to a cycle of eating triggered by an emotion. Many of us eat when we’re happy, stressed, anxious, and even when we’re bored. Let’s take a look at how we can curb this tendency.
Read MoreMany of us are working at home and so are our partners and spouses. Plus, students are home from school. And we all need our space. The problem is that most of us do not have homes that are set up to accommodate each of us having a private workspace. We’ll be able to get through this if we manage our stress and maintain a positive perspective. And, this is where gratitude can help.
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