Being In Nature

Recently, I integrated a 45-50 minute walk into my daily schedule. And if it’s a particularly stressful day, I sometimes walk two or more times. My primary motivation was to get some exercise and a change of scenery from being at my desk. But quickly, I began to experience benefits well beyond what I have ever experienced during my daily gym visits. Let’s learn why…

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Journal Like an Astronaut

The other day I heard an interview with Scott Kelly. Scott is a former NASA astronaut who is best known for spending almost a year on the International Space Station. Now, that’s social isolation. A reporter asked him, “How did you handle being alone all that time?”. He said that he journaled every day. Let’s dig in to the research behind this powerful practice…

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Creating Space for Loss

Many of us are experiencing feelings of loss right now. Sometimes we can identify where these feelings are coming from and other times it feels unspecified, just a vague feeling of sadness and loss that acts as a negative filter over all dimensions of our lives. These feelings can be expected after all, we have experienced a seismic shift in our lives. Let’s learn effective strategies for how to address these feelings and find a way forward.

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Be Your Own Best Friend

If you are like most people, you may be having moments right now where you need a little boost. You might be feeling a little down and are not sure if you can handle all of the change. Sometimes all we need is someone to remind us that “we’ve got this”. When there isn’t someone there to do this for you, why not consider being your own best friend and cheerleader? Let’s learn how…

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Stopping Unwanted Habits

After a few weeks of working at home, educating our children, or attending classes online, many of us have fallen into habits that we wish we hadn’t started. Much of this unwanted behavior may have begun as a way to soothe us and reduce our anxiety. But now we are starting to look at our lives and realize that many of these habits will not serve us well in the long run. So, how do we begin to reverse them?

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